Past Events
Details of some of the band's previous engagementsHinkley Point
For the second year in a row, an ensemble from the band had the privilege of visiting Hinkley Point in December to bring Christmas carols to the staff.
We met at Bridgwater SA for bacon rolls and coffee to set us up for the hours ahead then, due to the high security, a bus from Hinkley came to collect us. All we were allowed to take with us were our instruments, music, and photo ID!
The bus took us to several sections of the site and we played carols at each one, finishing up with a short carol service in the staff canteen. We were joined there by the Romanian staff choir and everyone enjoyed their singing.
Forest of Dean
The band spent a day in this lovely area on Saturday 9 November.
Splitting into two smaller bands, we were able to bring short programmes of fellowship at the Littledean URC Chapel in Cinderford, and at the Taurus Craft Centre in Lydney. Members of the public were very appreciative of our efforts.
After short rehearsals and a very enjoyable tea, the band joined with Voices in Force (the Gloucestershire Police Ladies’ Choir) and the Local Churches Choir to present an Autumn Charity Concert in aid of the Salvation Army’s Christmas Appeal and the Salvation Army’s work in the Forest of Dean.
We hope you enjoy listening to ‘Goldcrest’ (James Anderson):
The band’s first engagement under their new Bandmaster, Marston Blake, was a day of worship at the Salvation Army in Weston-super-Mare. Although slightly depleted in number due to the holiday season, the band still played and witnessed superbly.
The day began with morning worship led by the band’s Executive Officer, Lt-Col Sandra Moran, during which the band played The Lord is Near (Erik Silfverberg). This was followed by a very enjoyable Faith Lunch shared with the corps folk. In the afternoon, the band presented a varied programme which was enjoyed greatly by all. Pieces included To Regions Fair (Norman Bearcroft), ‘Mid All the Traffic (Leonard Ballantine), The Better World, euphonium soloist Reg Wiles (Norman Bearcroft), Any Dream Will Do (Lloyd Webber), Highland Cathedral: A Fanfare of Praise (Robert Redhead), Lord of the Dance (Sydney Carter/traditional), Be Still, conducted by Deputy Bandmaster Kevin Jones (Sibelius, arr Dorothy Gates), A Special Moment (Steven Ponsford), Goldcrest (James Anderson), and The Irish Blessing.
Here are recordings of two of the pieces, which we hope will bless you:
To Regions Fair
The Better World
New recruit for the Salvation Army
Marcia Ley was enrolled as a soldier (full member) by Major Jennie McCombe, the Corps Officer (church leader) at Bristol Easton Corps). In her testimony, Marcia told how, after she had been attending the Corps for several years, she was encouraged to think about joining the Fellowship Band. She eventually spoke with the Bandmaster, Norman Cassells, and his wife, Marilyn, who helped Marcia to make the decision to become a soldier. Marcia stressed how much membership of the Fellowship Band had helped in her Christian development and she valued the friendship and comradeship that the band provided .
The Kenya Trust 2013
The annual concert presented by The Kenya Trust at Bristol Easton Salvation Army set a new record for the amount raised. The sum of £4600 was received on the night and, with a further £909 in gift aid claims, the evening resulted in a spectacular £5509 for the current project.
The funds will be set aside to support the building of a new health centre and dispensary attached to the Maiani Corps, and it is hoped that there will be sufficient funding available to complete this project by the end of 2014.
Special guests for the evening were Charley Brighton (Staines), the Redland High School Choir and Chamber Choir, and the South Western Fellowship Band.
The hall was packed to capacity with many attending a Salvation Army corps for the first time.
The Kenya Trust 2012
The combined forces of the Fellowship Band and vocal group ‘Ffortissimo’ raised over £4400 for The Kenya Trust at a concert held at Bristol Easton Salvation Army. The band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Norman Cassells, featured in the annual fund raising event for the second time in three years, and the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the band members was infectious. Using some old favourites like ‘A Sunbeam’ and ‘The Old Wells’ the band was able to delight the congregation, but it also introduced some more contemporary numbers, one being the theme tune from ‘Out of Africa’ which was played while the collection was taken.
‘Ffortissimo’ journeyed from London for the event and these four young musicians provided a real mix of music expertly presented. Using a wide variety of styles there was literally something for everyone with ‘Benedictus’ from Mozart’s Requiem to Freddie Mercury’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’.
Special guests for the weekend were Commissioners Jolene and Ken Hodder who were able to provide an informed commentary on the work of The Kenya Trust which they experienced at first hand in their previous appointment.
The funds raised from the concert will be sent to the Kenya East Territory to modernise the accommodation and provide modern teaching aids at the Nairobi Girls’ Training Centre. This is attached to the Quarry Road complex which is the Kenya Trust’s 2012 major project.
